Aug 22, 2016
The Niis dissect a frustratingly familiar defeat to Bradford
Take a second to review us if you get the chance - cheers y'all
Aug 18, 2016
It's their Quasquicentennial and the Niis are fired up after no goals in two games. As usual they still manage to bleed an hour of jibber jabber out of it.
Check out Sideways
Sammy and The
Lonely Season to supplement your Cov fan...
Aug 10, 2016
Hold onto your hats boys and girls, it's the first Nii Lamptey Show of the 2016/17 season!!!
Have we got a show for you as we sum up Swindon with Laurie 'The Lonely Season' Kilpatrick, pick apart Portsmouth with Neil 'Nutmeg' Allison and broadcast the EFL cup draw LIVE!!!
The Niis treat you to top quality content as...